27 July 2009

marvin & bruce

marvin and bruce..(saking ga ada ide nulis nya hahaha) :)

20 July 2009


Setelah gagal mau nntn harpot 6 pas premiernya akhirnya hari ini gw jadi juga!hihihihi..nntn bsama manda karina arin.asiiiiiiiiiiiiiik :)

Kita di gading jam 10,pas malnya baru buka.kok pagi banged?Karena ga mau keabisan tiket lah,dan biar ga usah ngantri lama2 juga.oia,sebelomnya ada suatu hal yg harus kalian ketahui,2 dari 3 bioskop di gading yaitu xxi dan la piazza,cuma menyisihkan 1 studio buat film lainnya!5 studio di xxi dan 3 studio di lapiz memutarkan harpot!gile ga tuh??gw aja pas tau takjub banged looh haha..

nyampe depan pintu bioskop taunya masih belom buka.akhirnya kita duduk aja ngikutin org2 lain (ternyata yg berinisiatif dateng pas malnya buka cuma demi nntn harpot ga cuma kita haha) sambil bernostalgia ttg film2 dan buku2 harpot terdahulu..makin lama makin banyak org yg dateng nunggu di depan bioskop,jadi deg2an.1 jam lebih lima belas menit kemudian pintu dibuka dan gw langsung lari ngebuuuuutbutbut dengan duit sudah siap ditangan haha.kejadian itu tuh lucu banged tau,bayangin aja waktu di luar tuh orang udah banyak banged kayak ngantri BLT,pas pintu dibuka semua orang langsung masuk kedalem sambil teriak2 "aaa aaaa" gt hahaha.sedetik kemudian (cieilah) gw sudah berada di depan loket dan you know what?gw ada di urutan pertama dari antrian!manda karina arin menyusul beberapa saat kemudian sambil ngetawain gw yang katanya cepet banged larinya..haha..(gliran lari buat harpot gw semangat dan cepet banged ya,kalo buat ambil nilai penjas di sumantri malah males haha)

filmnya?BAAAAAAAAGUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSS.GW SUUUUUUUUUUKAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (banged hehe).Kangen banged tau rasanya denger2 suara2 musik khas harry potter,denger mantra2,liat hermione-ron,haduuuu..abis ini film keluarnya lama banged sih ya,trus buku terakhirnya juga udah lama banged kan keluarnya jd rasanya kangen aja sama cerita2 harry potter.Padahal dulu gw sempet kecewa dan menghina2 david yates gr2 film harpot yg kelima,dan sempet BT tau dia bakal mensutradarai lg film yg ke 6,eh taunya filmnya dia yg ini bagus..Maaf ya om david hehe :)

udah niat2 bawa tongkat sihir buat foto sama poster2 gede/kardus di bioskop,eeeeh,ga sempet,akhirnya malah foto dirumah deh haha.muka gw ga nahan banged ya?hahaha

Ngomong2 tentang harry potter,gw bisa dibilang adalah salah satu fans terbesarnya,haha,rada lebay kali ya.Gw pertama kali tau harpot pas nntn filmnya yg pertama,abis itu mulai baca bukunya.Beberapa buku2 itu tuh sakral banged bagi gw (cieilah),buku 1,2,3 adalah hadiah ulang tahun ke 10 dari kaka sepupu gw,yg ke 4 hadiah ulang tahun dari nyokap.

Selain buku,gw juga punya beberapa merchandise lain kayak tas ransel,tas tenteng,boneka hermione,alat tulis,binder,album foto,celengan berbentuk box,kaset ostnya,vcd nya,gantungan kunci,t shirtnya.Sayangnya beberapa banyak yg ilang :( boneka hermione,dan album ostnya entah dimana,vcd harpot 3 ilang waktu gw pinjemin ke temen hix hix.

kaos ini juga barang sakral,selalu dan cuma gw pake pas nntn film harpot hehe

sebenernya lebih banyak daripada ini tapi pada ilang2-an.eh,liat tongkat voldemort yg patah?sedih de,padahal itu tngkat cinemags terbagus

Setiap filmnya keluar gw usahain beli minimal satu majalah yg ngebahas harry potter,apalagi cinemags,yg setiap filmnya keluar selalu ngadain special edition harry potter.Udah jadi agenda wajib beli cinemags deh kalo film harpot keluar.apalagi dengan bonus2 yg ciamik hehe..

Ga kerasa tinggal 1 buku lagi yang belom di film-in.Entah gimana rasanya ntar begitu film ke 7 selesai,sediih banged pasti,ga ada yg bisa ditunggu2-in lagi.. :")

19 July 2009

the header and the bee

I wish i had this headband below to complete my bee look..Eventhough i would be tottally a freak if i wore it..hehe..

Btw,yesterday i made a new header for this blog.Do you like it?Actually it's been a loooong time i want to make the new one,but i just dont have any ideas and good photos that suit with this blog (with the colorful layout,and bla bla bla)..Thanks to dwi and her comment in my previous post,i finally got the new ideas.Alice in wonderland is the new header's inspiration.When i finish my work i think it doesn't suit with the theme,does it? :) However,i still loveeeeeeee it!! (sorry for being such a narcissistic :P )

17 July 2009

Jim sturgess

It has been a while that want to write about jim.He is one of my favourite actors.Why?He has a gorgeous face-many people think he looks a like young mc cartney-,has such a beatiful voice,and has the british accent-yep,he is british-, and i LOOOOVE british accent :)

I first saw him on his movie across the universe. The movie is just like a musical movie but without all the dances.err,ok,there was some dance,but just a little.What make this movie really cool is the beatles's song (and jim of course :)).In this movie the casts sang some of the beatles' songs like across the universe,strawberry fields forever,girl,hey,jude,all you need is love,etc.I became a fan of the beatles because this movie.After i watched this movie i'm officially falling in love with jim,hehe.

When 21 came out on the theatres here in indonesia,i was very excited to watch it,but unfortunately, because jim is not so popular here,within only a couple of weeks,only few theatres showed it, and not for long it's totally gone. Fortunately, I watched just in time.Well,this movie is just superb, really really awesome,everyone who has not watched it,should definitely watch it.

besides,this 2 movies, i have watched the other boleyn girl and crossing over(I mentioned crossing over before).However i dont really like them because both of them have too much the 'not proper' scenes.you know what i mean?yaiiks.At the end of the other boleyn girl the character that jim played was dead :( eventhough i dislike crossing over,but i'm happy because i can hear jim's beautiful voice in this movie as he plays as a musician & singer :)

This year,another jim's movie heartless will come out.Hopefully it will release in indonesia.I'm definitely going to watch it.

photos from www.jimsturgess.org and google :)

16 July 2009


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah mau nnn harpot!!!!! 3 org yg gw kenal udah nntn pas premiernya!!NNTN PAS PREMIER ADALAH IMPIAN GW..pengen pengen pengen pengen pengen pengen (maaf ya blakangan ini isi blog ini ttg harpot mulu,hehe :P)

14 July 2009

xii ipa e & harry potter 6..

lg males berbahasa inggris ria,jd lgsg ajaaaa pake b.indo yaaa..hehe..

hari ini hari pertama gw disekolah.iya,kemaren gw bolos (sulit dipercaya kah?),kesan gw ttg kelas gw yg baru..xii ipa e..


(ntar gw bakal upload video nya hehe)

Lanjut,pengen ngomongin ttg harpot 6 nih.LAGI?!hahaha,ntah udah keberapa kali gw membahas harpot di blog ini..abiis udah ga sabar sih..

Apalagi td pas gw pulang sekolah nntn e news,ada gosip ttg dan-emma,trus nntn HBO,ada interview + behind the scene nya...ugh,jd makin ga sabar kan..

ga sabar pengen liat daniel radcliffe yg entah kenapa tiba2 menjadi ganteng lg(perasaan gw aja ya?abis kayaknya dia di harpot 5 dia aneh hehe),ngliat rupert ku yg ganteng,adegan2 ron hermione..aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh..kayaknya cuma 1 hal yg bakal ga gw suka di film ini,kematian dumbledore hix.. :'(

beruntung sekali tom yg kmaren udah nntn di premiernya di london..

review tom di twitternya..

tommcfly: Highly recommend seeing Harry Potter. It's great! I was an extra in the first one but you cant see me! Got to go on the Hogwarts Express!

tommcfly:If you're trying to decided what movie to see this weekend, give transformers a miss, it's all about Potter!

jadi makin ga sabaaaaar kan?

12 July 2009

still need more holidays

HOLA! what's up readers?how's your holiday??Mine is..well..pretty awesome.I'm now writing this post from changi airport (they have free internet access here,cool huh?) while waiting for my flight.It is delayed for 40 minutes.Gonna get home late i think..

Btw,tomorrow,school starts!HWAAAAAAAAAAAAA,i don't want to go to school!! I'm still not ready being a 12th grader.I need more holidays!! (my mom just ask me " mu besok kalo bolos gimana??" weird huh??)

08 July 2009

don't have any idea for the title

YES!finally i participated in the president's election today! A couple months ago,i couldnt participate in the legislatif election just because my name wasnt in the DPT list,although i've already 17th years old and have got an identity card.So jealous w/ the people today who only have an identity card (just like i did) and can vote for the election ! (the system is changing) :P

Btw,tomorrow i'm going to have my first vacation abroad.YIPPEY!.So,no more post until monday i think,except,my mother insist to go to the "warnet" there,just to keep doing her primary activity,facebooking :)

unbranded shirt,thrifty denim dress,thyo pernik headband,my mom's rockport shoes

ps: actually my mother doesnt like the outfit i wear today,the 1st time she saw it this morning,she says: "pakaianmu ajaib sekali".hahaha,but i insisted to wear it though.Are there anybody else that agree with her?? i hope there aren't.. :)

05 July 2009

yes,it's been a busy week

sorry for lack of updates readers,it's been a busy week for me.A busy week?For ME?! well,maybe i'm just too hyperbole..let me just tell you what i did last week..
just like any other day i've spent in this holiday..went to ulisa and stayed at home watching tv,some dvds and online..

went to atrina's villa at ciawi with my ipa g..stupid me,i thought that we were going to bandung and i was dreaming about the shopping time in gede bage,but of course that didn't happen..our activities there were just playing cards (41,cepek,bokis,cangkul,tepok nyamuk,flash,speed, haha banyak yg ga tau kan? oia ada juga yang mempertaruhkan harga diri dan duit haha),watching tv (missing lyrics & happy song,ternyata acaranya seru yah?hahaha baru tau gt gw :P),swimming (main aer dan cebur2an lebih tepatnya,hp gw jadi korban hix :'o),eating and sleeping.Actually we also planned to go to night safari and played paintball,but that plan was just a plan..however i had a great time there..thanks for my beloved ipa g.I'm going to miss you,guys :)
my mom got the voucher to stay at hyatt plaza indonesia,so we did stay there.All i did was just like what i did if i stayed home-minus online..there is no disney channel in the hotel's tv,felt a little bit sad that i couldnt watch "wizards of waverly place"-HAHA).On the first night we stayed in the hotel, I happened to know that my favourite indonesia's band,SHEILA ON 7 was playing a gig in hardrock cafe plaza ex.HUHU,REALLY REALLY WANT TO WATCH THEM LIVE, but I couldn't. On Sunday we checked out from the hotel and went to a restaurant in ciputat.We met up with my grandma's extended family for 'arisan' activity.

unbranded head band,unbranded t shirt,short denim skirt,unbranded jelly shoes

forever21 necklace,thyo pernik bow

thyo pernik bow,thrifty blouse,unbranded red jelly shoes

ex ze top,unbranded pink jeans,unbranded black leather flat shoes,

mtv asia hoodie,thyo pernik bow headband

meet my nieces,half indonesia,half france..

my big big big family

02 July 2009


OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD, one of my favorite fashion bloggers commented on my post!! HWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..i really really can't believe it!! My mind went blank when i saw her comment..aaaaaaah.I think i should tell you why i'm so happy.She is the reason why i made this blog.I was inspired by her to make a fashion blog (eventough this blog end up just like anyother blog,cannot be categorized as a fashion blog).


>>photos from her chictopia and her weardrobe

ooooh,she's just sooo kind..absolutely make my day :) read this.