19 May 2009

new moon update

jaman2 twilight lg booming2 nya,saat2 smw org ga ada yg ga jatuh cinta sama edward cullen,gw ikut salah satu forum twilight di indonesia

tp seiring berjalannya waktu lama2 gw jarang banged buka forum itu..

nah,td gw mampir ke blog http://deasb.blogspot.com/ disini gw liat beberapa foto2 dr new moon..

dakota fanning beda banged ya??? jadi . . . . . . jane banged hahaha.cocok banged :)

the wolfpack

yg jadi embry (sdikit) lucu yaa :)

sayangnya blom ada seth clearwater yaaa..aah padahal dr para werewolfs paling pnasaran sm seth ni hehe

oia,gr2 ngliat foto2 ini gw jd pnasaran lg kan,akhirya gw buka twilightindo lg de..dsn ada beberapa poster new moon juga kayak ini...

aaaaaah liat itu posternya aja udah ga enak si jacob jd penghalang antara bella sama edward gt huhu.eh,itu kayaknya pas foto si taylor dipakein ganjelan ya bawahnya?kan aslinya dy tingginya sama kayak kristen haha (pentiiing banged de ;p)

edward ganteng ku..ini kayaknya pas adegan terakhir2 ni,yg dy di volterra..aaaaahh xD

oia,slain foto2 dr new moon gw juga dapet berita2 lainnya..gw baru tau ternyata bakal ada buku lanjutan nya Breaking Dawn T A P I yang bikin adalah bukan stephenie meyer,melainkan seorang cewe bnama LADY SYBILLA a.k.a Glorianna Arias. Jadi dia bakal bikin lanjutannya breaking dawn versi dia,kayak fanfic gt lah.yg jadi masalah adalah dia bakal menerbitkan dan menjual bukunya itu..oia,judul bukunya adalah Russet Noon.

sdikit jalan cerita russet noon:

"The Volturi are now watching the Cullens even closer, and a conspiracy is brewing deep within the catacombs of of Volterra. Aro is determined to put an end to Bella's happily ever after. He is obsessed with getting Renesmee to join his clan in Italy, while Edward and Bella refuse to make Renesmee a full vampire. Renesmee hates herself for being only a half breed, and her unhappiness turns Bella against her own daughter. Humans in Forks are starting to suspect something about the Cullens, and Renesmee's lack of self-control is to blame for it. Bella and Edward might have to leave Forks permanently to protect Nessie. Meanwhile, the spirit warriors have returned to live among the Quileutes. Taha Aki has made contact with Jacob to warn him that great danger is coming to La Push."

apaaaa bangeeeeed gaaa siiiii??? ( -_-)

bingung ga si kok bisa2nya ada org yang ngambil cerita org lain trus dilanjutin sdr dan diterbitin dan di jual? bukannya itu melanggar uu hak cipta ya?(halah,haha)

dan AV Paranormal , penerbit buku Russet Noon memberikan statement seperti berikut :"When fictional characters become such an intricate part of the popular psyche, as is the case with the Twilight Saga, legal boundaries become blurred, and copyright laws become increasingly difficult to define. This is especially the case when actual cities like Forks and Volterra are used as the novel's settings. Such settings are not copyrightable, as they are considered public domain. Similarly, the Quileute Nation is also not copyrightable, and neither are vampire or werewolf legends. Copyright laws protect writers from unauthorized reproductions of their work, but such reproductions only include verbatim copying. Characters are only copyrightable if their creator draws them or hires an artist to draw them. Stephenie Meyer herself borrowed a great deal from previous works dealing with these mythologies."

ngelesnya bisa banged ya?? ck2..paraaaah..

ps:buat yg mau tau lebih lanjut ttg russet noon ini,coba ke sini deh.disana banyak link2 lebih lanjutnya juga.


  1. GILA ITU taylor lautnernya gantenggg WUHUUUUUUW dari samping ganteng! hahahaha
    eh itu yg jadi embry kata lo '(sdkt) lucu', emang lucu tauuuu ih ganteng gitu juga chi

  2. hahahah si embry on and off tau gantengnya liat aja mukanye yg di wolfpack rada aneh..

    aaaaaaaaaah ganteng drmn si taylor?! mendingan juga rob haha :p

  3. gilaaa, dakota fanning is damn gorgeous now!!!

  4. haha iya dhiiin,beda bangeeed.. :)
